White Hall Viognier 2008

White Hall Viognier 2008

Varietal: Viognier
Region: Virginia – USA
Cost: $17

Aromas of ripe peaches, apricots, and honeysuckle with flavors of oranges, grapefruit, and subtle spice.  Bright acidity on the finish with a hint of vanilla.  Pairs well with spicy foods such as Thai cuisine as well as bolder cheeses.

Recommendations: I had visited White Hall Vineyards some years ago, and I don’t remember liking them this much.  During the Virginia Wine Expo my family and I stopped at their booth and sampled their wines, and instantly took a liking to both this Viognier and their 2008 Cabernet Franc (a review for another time).

On the nose I get more of the honeysuckle than anything and the flavors of citrus are there, though I’d call the vanilla more than a hint.  The floral finish is what really comes out in this wine and one that I really enjoyed.  While I didn’t pair it with a spicy dinner (some grilled pork chops were the dinner of choice), it’s very easy to see how this would pair with a dinner of spiced meat and vegetables.

The measure of any good wine for me is whether it can be enjoyed without food, and the White Hall Viognier certainly fills that requirement.  There’s just enough citrus on the palate to make this a great deck or patio wine as the weather continues to get warmer, and I’m sad that I only have one bottle of it left to get me through the rest of the summer….until I get some more at my local wine shop.

If you’re already a fan of Viognier I definitely recommend grabbing this bottle, and if you’ve never tried it before, what are you waiting for?  The White Hall Viognier is one that you’ll enjoy no matter the occasion.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.


  1. I’m getting excited now. For some reason we can’t figure out, this is one of the only c-ville area wineries we’ve never visited. Hopefully June will be kind to our schedules and allow us some time for tasting….especially now that I have something to look forward to.

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