Two Lands Digital Tasting

Two Lands Digital Tasting

All of the online tastings that I’m privileged to participate in have reminded me of one thing – technology has opened up the doors for sharing and enjoying wine. Thanks technology.

Most recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a Digital Tasting of the new Two Lands line of wines from Jacob’s Creek, their new line of wines that’s bringing a California Expression to Australia. This tasting included four wines (Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Shiraz), as well as interactions with the wine maker and other wine writers via web cam and microphone (I stuck to typing as I wasn’t alone in the tasting and didn’t want to overwhelm the feed).

I have to admit that the webcam/microphone interaction among those of us doing the tasting was a new experience, and while I think it could be easy to get overwhelmed by it, I really liked the attempt to make us more than just text on a screen.

But, as with all things on this blog, it really comes down to the wines. A few quick notes so I don’t have to mention it over and over again. All of the wines are from South Australia, and all of them are priced at $14 SRP.

So, what did I think?

2014 Two Lands Pinot Grigio

Very light in color, with aromas of pear being most prevalent to me. Refreshing and crisp in the mouth with notes of peach, this is a great porch wine, especially for the price. Both my wife and our guest for the tasting commented on our general lack of Pinot Grigio tasting, but we were all impressed with this wine, and it’s definitely one I would circle back to, especially if you live in a place where Summer isn’t just hot, but is oppressive.

2014 Two Lands Chardonnay

First, to answer the question that is always asked when it comes to Chardonnay – Yes, this wine has seen oak. That being said, it wasn’t overwhelming. On the nose I was definitely able to tell there was oak thanks to a nutty, toasty aroma, and on the palate the wine showed white flower, pear, and apple that eventually turned into the flavor of lemon bar. There was a nutty, oak note on the finish of the wine, but it was soft, and not at all overwhelming.

As usual, I liked this one more than my wife (or our guest), but even my wife admitted that it wasn’t as bad as she’d gone into the tasting imaging it would be. That’s progress I suppose.

2013 Two Lands Cabernet Sauvignon

Aromas of cassis, with flavors of blackberry and herbs. The wine started out very smoothly, but showed a lot of tannins on the finish. As the wine opened up, those tannins did cool off and a mineral note started to show. This was one of the favorites of the evening, and, as I usually do, I found appreciation for a budget Cabernet that avoided being a fruit bomb – the herb notes were a big hit with me personally.

2013 Two Lands Shiraz

A deep purple color with aromas of dried fruits. Flavors of ripe red berry and spice dominated the wine that had a nice dry finish that practically begged for some BBQ. I liked this wine, but of the four, it’s definitely the one that I think will most require some food, especially during the warmer months. That being said, once the temperature drops back down, this bigger, dryer wine is certainly one that could warm you up on a blustery day.


The Two Lands wines are a very new release, and they are a US-only release (sorry Europe). They’re not available everywhere just yet, but they are coming to market, so keep an eye out at your local store. Also, if you want updates from Jacob’s Creek, sign up for their newsletter and learn more about these and their other wines. I’ve included a link below to the Two Lands page and you can sign up from there.

Thanks to Jacob’s Creek for including me in this tasting and Ehren Jordan and Bernard Hickin for taking time out of their busy schedules to walk myself and all of us through these wines.

Two Lands Wines by Jacob’s Creek

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.