Stone Mountain Pinot Grigio


Varietal:  Pinot Grigio
Region:  Virginia – USA
Cost:  $16

A dryer pinot grigio, this white is more in the Italian style, with a very golden color and light flavors of melon.  Pairs well with chicken, pork, or with light appetizers.

Recommendations:  As I’ve moved more into dryer wines, I’ve moved away from pinot grigios as a general rule, preferring Sauvignon Blanc and Reserve Chardonnay for my whites.  That being said, I’m actually a big fan of the Stone Mountain Pinot Grigio.   A fairly dry pinot grigio, this white is great for enjoying with food, light appetizers, or just by itself, and will please dry wine drinkers that are looking for a lighter white.  Perfect for a Spring day on the deck.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.