Saude Creek White 2009

2009 Saude Creek White Wine

Varietal: White Wine (unknown)
Region: Virginia – USA
Cost: $20 (approx)

Light-bodied and refreshing with ripe apple and a hint of cinnamon.  Perfect with fish and other seafood.

Recommendations: Nothing inspires fear quite like the words “trust me.”  And yet that’s exactly what my wife asked me to do after the Carytown Food & Wine Fest earlier this month when she purchased a bottle of the Saude Creek Vineyards White Wine.  Why did she ask me to trust her?  Because apparently this wine isn’t made from grapes, but from apples.

My normal reaction would be one of disdain and derision, but I love my wife, and trust her to pick a wine that won’t remind me of Welch’s Grape Juice or Apple Juice.  In this case, she was pretty clutch.  If blindfolded and asked what varietal the 2009 Saude Creek White Wine was I’d have to go with Chardonnay, or at least mostly Chardonnay.

That being said, the wine is fairly…flat.  By that I mean that no flavor is particularly prominent.  It’s not bad, but there’s no citrus, or oak, or floral notes that really jump up and say “pay attention to me!”  Now, would I drink a bottle of this again if it magically appeared in my refrigerator?  Sure.  It was a passable bottle of wine and I certainly wouldn’t have guessed apple as the source of the wine if I hadn’t been told, but the lack of any main flavor is a bit of a letdown and something I hope Saude Creek manages to fix in later vintages.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

1 Comment

  1. I didn’t think it was amazing either, I was mostly just intrigued by the fact that it definitely didn’t taste like apple. When they poured it I was expecting some sort of weird cider type thing. It’s good to experiment. Glad I was “pretty clutch” ;-P

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