Review: The International Wine of the Month Club

Through the years, I’ve had numerous people ask me the best ways to get introduced to new wines.  There are lots of ways:  go to wine festivals, visit a vineyard and try their wines, visit a wine shop and just pick something out, ask the bartender at your local wine bar to give you something new, or sign up for a wine of the month club.

Wine of the month clubs come in various shapes, sizes, and prices, and because of that they can be a bit daunting.  With that in mind, here’s my thoughts on one wine of the month club in particular:  The International Wine of the Month Club.

Started in 1994, The International Wine of the Month Club uses a 12-person panel headed by educator and industry expoert Don Lahey to ensure that all of the wine they select for their members is of the highest quality.  With memberships that range from 2-12 months at a time, The International Wine of the Month Club, unlike some other clubs that focus on one or two specific areas, offers wine from all over the globe.  From the classic wine making regions like France, Spain, and Italy, to the newer regions of California, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, and others, you’re not locked into a specific region or type of wine with this club, making it perfect for those looking to branch out into new wines and new regions.

The International Wine of the Month Club offers three levels to fit varying tastes and budgets.  Those levels are:

Premier Series – $29.95 + s&h

  • selected wines retail in the $15-$25 range.
  • has been offered since the International Wine of the Month Club started in 1994.
  • the most popular club offered
  • members may choose to recieve two reds, two whites, or one of each.

Masters Series – $45.95 + s&h

  • one bottle from the Premier series level.
  • one bottle from the Collectors series level.
  • members may choose two reds or one red and one white.

Collectors Series – $65.95 + s&h

  • selected wines retail in the $30-$60 range.
  • members may choose from two reds or one red and one white.

Given the range of options offered by the International Wine of the Month Club, I really do recommend this wine club for anybody looking to branch out into new wines and new regions.  With levels that can appeal to every taste and every budget, the International Wine of the Month Club has something for everybody.  

For more information or to sign up for a membership, visit the International Wine of the Month Club at: or call them toll-free at (800) 625-8238.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.