Product Review: Riedel Wine Glasses

If you’ve looked through my site, you’ll see that I’ve talked about whether or not it matters what type of glass you use.  While I’ll never advocate spending huge amounts of money on wine glasses just for the sake of doing it, there is something to be said for having different wine glasses for your varying types of wine.

With so many different types of wine glasses out there, it can be confusing to decide which ones are right for you and your needs, both for the type of glasses and to fit your budget.  Thankfully, Riedel is here to help you.

Riedel wine glasses come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and price points, and that’s great because it means no matter what you need, they have something for you.  If you’re looking for some basic white and red wine glasses – they have that for you.  If you’re in the market for some more elaborate glasses that will suit specific wine varietals such as Pinot Noir and Cabernet, well they have those too.

What’s nice about Riedel is that they’ve taken a lot of the guess work out of selecting wine glasses by designating exactly what each of their wine glasses should be used for.  Featuring wine glasses designed for specific varietals and for different occasions (there will come a time when you want a top-quality stemless wine glass), Riedel has managed to put together one of the most complete selections of stemware anywhere.

What I like most about Riedel stemware is that it’s eyecatching.  I know having your stemware look good doesn’t mean that it makes the wine any better, but wine glasses can be as much a fixture of your home bar as anything else, and having attractive wine glasses that function well too is never a bad thing.

No matter your needs, there’s no reason to not at least consider Riedel wine glasses for your stemware needs.  Whether you need a few glasses or are looking to replace your entire stemware selection, they’ll have something to fit your style and budget.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

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