Octavin Home Wine Bar

Monthaven Chardonnay Octavin Home Wine Bar

I’ve been thinking about writing a piece on boxed wines for a while, but had been having a hard time trying to think of a good argument in favor of boxed wine.  Sure, you get a lot of wine in a single package for a better price than the same number of bottles would cost, but you’re often sacrificing quality to save that money, and there are plenty of wines in a bottle out there that are affordable and quality.  Then I got some samples of the Octavin Home Wine Bar.

The first thing that I noticed in the Octavin was the packaging.  As the name would imply, the boxes are eight-sided, taller than they are wide, with a top of the line twist-to-open spout that prevents leaks and are, most importantly, stylish.  Unlike most boxed wine which comes in a simple square or rectangular package, the Octavin Wine Bars are stylish packages that you won’t be ashamed of to put out at a party.

On top of quality packaging, Octavin has come up with a great selection of wines to put in their stylish boxes.  Big House Red and White, Monthaven Chardonnay, Pinot Evil Pinot Noir, Boho Vineyards Zinfandel, Silver Birch Sauvignon Blanc, and Seven Spanish Red Wine Blend – a wide selection for every occasion and every palate with prices ranging from $22 to $25 each (SRP).

If you’re anything like me you’re always looking for wines that’s great for putting out at parties or you’re just looking to have a single glass of wine.  The Octavin Home Wine Bars are perfect for both needs.  I sampled the Big House Red, the Monthaven Chardonnay, and the Silver Birch Sauvignon Blanc.  I’d had Big House Red before, and I found that I actually enjoyed it more in the Octavin Home Wine Bar than in a bottle.  Not that I felt it tasted different, but I liked having it available for a single glass as a table wine from the Octavin – something that having a bottle of it didn’t offer.  In addition, my in-laws were visiting when I received the samples and my father-in-law loved being able to take just a glass whenever he felt like it without having to open a bottle.

For the same reasons I enjoyed the Monthaven and especially the Silver Birch Sauvignon Blanc.  With the temperature continuing to climb here in Virginia, a refreshing glass of wine is always welcome on a hot day when trying to relax on the weekend or for pairing with a quick lunch or dinner.

I’m not saying that boxed wine will ever replace bottled, but the Octavin Home Wine Bar is certainly a great step in the direction and perfect for anybody looking for a quality table wine that’s perfect for parties or just a wine by the glass.  If you see this at your local store I would definitely recommend giving it a try.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

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