New Years Eve Bubbles Massacre

In a more perfect world I would have made some pointed and in-depth piece about what bottles of bubbles I was opening for the friends I was having over to my house on New Years Eve. We do not live in such a world. While I did come across tweets and pieces about people opening $100 bottles of sparkling wine and champagne, I just couldn’t justify that, in no small part because I knew exactly how the evening was going to descend (into a raucous good time).

I do, however, feel as though I owe it to the new year, and to the bottles that I opened, to show the bottles that I provided for the evening. Friends brought over others, but here’s a picture of the bottles that I provided for the festivities.

New Years Bubbles

As you can see, the selection was on the whole rather affordable, with the most expensive one coming in at under $20, and most of them staying in the $10 range. New Years is certainly a time to celebrate, and this was certainly not some effort to only put out cheap wines since I had friends coming over, but was instead an effort to recognize what was about to happen at my house – a lot of drinking that most of us either wouldn’t remember or would rather forget the next morning. Also, the girls at the party spent the better part of the evening making bellinis using the bubbles, and I may have had a panic attack had they been doing so with $100 bottles of champagne, though the bottles of Barefoot that were sent to me as samples performed the task admirably and were a huge favorite with everybody.

I do hope that everybody had a safe and fun New Years and I look forward to another year of sharing my thoughts on wine with all of you that take the time to visit this site on a regular basis or even just once.

About George Perry 901 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

1 Comment

  1. Happy New Year! You had a great selection of Party bubbles. For a larger group we use same price range as well….

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