Holiday Gifts for the Wino in Your Life

We’ve hit the week mark until Christmas is finally here and if you’re starting to get desperate for a present for the wine lover in your life, here are some suggestions that should be a hit when opened up on the 25th (or whenever you do your gift exchange).


Yes, most of us have an abundance of glasses, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t like new ones, especially if they’re unique. One of my favorite gifts was several years ago my brother-in-law and his wife gave my wife and I a set of glasses that I liked so much that I went out and bought more of them so that I’d have a set of eight. The wine lover in your life probably has a good set of regular red and white glasses, but maybe some nice stemless glasses, or some champagne flutes, or even an interesting decanter.


This doesn’t have to be an expensive bottle of wine, and probably shouldn’t be to be honest. What it does need to be though is special – something memorable. For example, some years back for my Father I bought him a bottle of Portugese wine (his family is from Portugal) that was imported into the small town just outside of Boston where he grew up. The wine was good enough, only cost me about $20, and he loved the significance of both where the wine originated from and where it was brought in through.


Yes, I have a lot of corkscrews, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in new ones if they’re interesting. Giving a basic corkscrew may not be the best choice, but an interesting one that is either large and as much a decoration as anything or something special that uses compressed air or one that attaches to a key chain are all unique enough to be a great stocking-stuffer even for those of us with plenty of corkscrews.


Paintings, bottle or glass storage units that are as much decoration as functional unit, and even tins that can store bottles for giving them as a gift and then have the tin used as a decoration on a shelf are all great options. Not only are you supporting their love of wine, but helping them to beautify their home at the same time.

It’s the Thought

It’s something we’ve all heard for years, but it really is the thought that counts when it comes to wine gift giving. Acknowledging their love of wine in your gift giving choices will be appreciated no matter what you give.

About George Perry 900 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

1 Comment

  1. Really nice article and i think it is a great idea of giving gifts to wine lovers as well as non wine lovers.Since sometimes it is really difficult to get the wine aw well as a nice gift.

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