George Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2012

2012 George Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau

Cost:  $9
Region:  Beaujolais, France

My Review:  Back in November, for my birthday, my Brother-in-Law and his wife sent me a $50 Total Wine gift card. I instantly knew what I wanted to do with it, but decided to wait until after the first of the year to use it. French wines is arguably the area of wine that I know the least about. It’s not that I haven’t enjoyed it when consuming it, but it’s where I’ve had the least exposure, something I decided to remedy recently by using the gift card to purchase several bottles of French wine. The first to be opened, the 2012 Beaujolais Bouveau from George Duboeuf.

In the glass the wine was more purple than red, which I’ve come to find is fairly typical of the wine. On the nose I picked up bright notes of plum and spice, which carried through to the mouth, which was fairly light with a brightness that was tempered by the spice flavors. Wanting to keep it simple, my wife and I paired the wine with some pizza we had cooked.

The brightness of the wine was a nice counter note to the tomato sauce and thick cheese of the pizza, and the wine was perfect for sipping on both before and after we had eaten. I know that Beaujolais can be polarizing for some people, and I don’t know that it’s anything that I would consider groundbreaking, but I did think the wine was a great value, certainly drinking above the $9 I paid for it, and is a good alternative for a table wine for those wanting something other than your typical California Cabernet.

The Beaujolais certainly made me look forward to trying the rest of the French wine that I picked up, and I look forward to sharing my thoughts on them with you.

About George Perry 901 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.