First Day Review and Things I Learned at the Wine Bloggers Conference

So I’m sitting here in the morning of the second day of the 2011 North American Wine Bloggers Conference and I’m thinking back on yesterday and thinking about what to say here. It’s honestly a bit overwhelming since there was so much to see, hear, and (of course) drink. So what were my take-aways from the first day?

Spitting is a Must

Walking in I knew I would need to pace my sipping and be sure to spit and pour out. This was driven home not 10 minutes in as there were so many wines to sample as we waiting for the keynote speech that it would have been incredibly easy to become intoxicated before 1pm. That being said, everybody pouring was very nice and there was no pressure to drink.

Breakout Sessions

I attended two different breakout sessions. The first was about Millenials and wine, the other about aromas. The Millenials panel was interesting, and what they were trying to get at definitely deserved a panel, I just didn’t feel like they really drove the point home.

The aromas panel made me have a new appreciation for anybody that can pick out a wine and the region just by smell and a tiny sip. I did, however, get 3 out of 6 wines correct so I did feel pretty good walking out of that one.

Live Wine Blogging

If you were paying attention yesterday you saw me post 12 times in around an hour. The Live Wine Blogging was essentially speed dating with wine and it was both fun and insane all at the same time. One hour, 12 wines to try, 5 minutes per wine. If you ever have the opportunity to try something like this I recommend it.

Monticello Needs Central Air

Actually the house does have AC. Outside was another story. It’s nobody’s fault that it was 100 and stupid outside, but doing a tasting of Virginia wines outdoors sounded like a terrible idea. I did have fun though, and got t try wine from a couple of Virginia vineyards that I haven’t managed to try yet.

The Other 46

True, Virginia is part of the Other 46, the wine producing states that aren’t California, Washington, Oregon, or New York, but getting to try wine from Maryland and Missouri was interesting. My mother is from Missouri and when I mentioned the tiny town where she grew up the lady pouring at the Missouri table recognized them so she at least got my respect for that.

After Hours Doesn’t Mean All Night

There were plenty of after hours parties in hotel rooms last night. I visited a couple of them and it was nice to get to socialize with other wine people in a setting where none of us felt compelled to take notes. That being said, I was glad I left before midnight as I don’t think I’d be awake writing this had I not.

Day 2 Begins

As I write this I’m getting ready to head downstairs and get some breakfast and then head out for day 2. I took my laptop with me yesterday and I won’t be making that mistake again (it’s damned heavy and my shoulders are sore), but I will be live-tweeting throughout the day so make sure you follow me on @TheGoodWineGuru to keep up with what’s going on.

About George Perry 901 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

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