Chateau Bianca Pinot Noir

Varietal: Pinot Noir
Region: Oregon – USA
Cost: $16

Light color with crushed fruit flavors and a bit of pepper on the finish.  Pair with turkey, ham, cheese.

Recommendations: I’ve had this bottle since Thanksgiving and it finally got opened for Christmas.  The light color actually reminded me a bit of a Virginia Cabernet Franc, as did a bit of pepper on the finish.

That being said, the wine was great.  Good flavors of crushed fruit on the palate were very enjoyable with a dinner of ham for Christmas dinner, and the slight pepper on the finish was almost refreshing as it didn’t let the fruit overwhelm the palate.

If you like Pinot Noir this is certainly one worth picking up, especially if you’re looking to branch out into the wines of Oregon.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.