Austria Food and Wine Themed Getaway

So it has come to my attention that the Austrian Tourist Office is holding a contest to give away a 7-day themed vacation package for two (a winner and a guest) valued at $4500.  One of the available choices for the winner is a Food & Wine themed getaway.  Here are all the details:

To enter the sweepstakes readers need only to become a fan of “Austria.  Official Travel Info.”  on Facebook The winner and a guest will receive a seven day themed vacation package of their choice valued at $4,500.  The sweepstakes invites fans to explore all that Austria has to offer by choosing from vacations oriented toward “Food and Wine,” “Art, Architecture and Design,” “Nature, Outdoors and the Alps,” or “Classical Music and History.”  Facebook fans can receive an additional sweepstakes entry by tweeting about Austria on Twitter using the hashtag: #itsgottobeaustria.  The contest runs now through January 15.

More information and official rules can be found at or via Facebook at  Contest is open to residents of the U.S., 18 and over.

Good luck to anybody that enters and if you win let me know…or you know, take me.

About George Perry 903 Articles
A wine lover for as long as I can remember, I hope that my thoughts on wine can help others to make decisions on what they should drink as well.

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